People Science for the Planet

Navigating Scope 3 Leadership & Accelerating Action

Helping you lead transformational change by harnessing the power of your Scope 3 network today!

Scope 3 feels overwhelming because it involves many more emissions categories and stakeholders that seem out of your control. But failing to meet your Scope 3 targets on time risks your brand reputation, market position, and even your career.

But what if, as a Corporate Sustainability Leader, you could harness Scope 3's scale and stakeholder network to drive exponential change? With a structured approach, you can orchestrate this network and transform these stakeholders into empowered leaders, creating a ripple effect of change that spreads throughout your entire business ecosystem. This will strengthen your leadership, with insights and solutions from local experts where change needs to happen.

Not only will you reduce emissions and waste, meeting your ambitious targets and securing your business legacy, but you will also be recognized as a collaborative leader who can influence complex, large scale, lasting change.

Transform your approach to reducing Scope 3 emissions and creating a circular economy today

Does your current stakeholder approach deliver coordinated co-led action to meet your ambitious ESG goals?

Long term successful sustainability requires widespread collaborative and collective action on our Scope 3 reductions and the circular economy. To meet and exceed our ESG goals and ensure business growth, we need to build greater capacity for effective exponential change in an ever expanding business ecosystem.

But business as usual will not mobilize widespread collaborative and collective action. Educational marketing campaigns, one sided charitable donations, top down compliance requirements, and individual focused leadership approaches are not delivering the collective action we need to see in employees, suppliers, customers, consumers, communities, and policy makers.

To maximize ESG impact and scale by 2030 and beyond, we need to recognize the potential of more stakeholders as agents of change and equip them with evidence based tools and skills to effectively drive and execute coordinated, collaborative, and connected co-led action.

Are we using the most effective tools to accelerate large scale change?


Do our marketing campaigns support consumers to make sustainability the easy choice? If we don't address consumer barriers to change, we will miss out on the sustainable lifestyle changes that will shift our 2030 emissions’ targets.


Do our Scope 3 compliance requirements recognize our suppliers’ expertise as innovators? If we don’t empower suppliers to accelerate the dissemination of best mitigation practices, we won’t reap the savings of a circular economy today.


Do our calls for policy change reflect the sustainability concerns of local constituents? If we don’t engage local leaders as effective advocates, we won’t deliver the social support we need for widespread consumer action for sustainability.


Do our acts of charity and volunteer work create measurable social impact? If we don’t forge reciprocal relationships and co-create effective peer support programs, our investments won’t deliver long term returns for our corporate social responsibility goals.


Do our individual, education focused ESG leadership programs cultivate collaborative skills for collective action? If we don’t embed social innovation approaches within our workforce, we will continue to use ineffective business as usual tools to solve our Scope 3 challenges.

Next level sustainability leadership will require more collaborative processes and collective action tools than ever before to accelerate change today and to maximize the impact and scale of our ESG efforts long term, keeping us accountable to our climate action targets while delivering business growth.

The good news is the same tools you need as a leader to mobilize action are also the ones that will equip internal and external stakeholders with the power to drive widespread change.

Maximize ESG impact and scale today and long term

Whether your stakeholder is a marketing guru, purpose driven employee, supplier, retailer, concerned consumer, community influencer, or a potential policy advocate – our Accelerate Scale Sustain Methodology equips you and your stakeholders with evidence based change tools and people science processes to effectively drive coordinated co-led action accelerating progress on your ESG goals today.




Our Accelerate, Scale, Sustain Methodology will support you to:

  • Mobilize more internal and external stakeholders to drive exponential collective action across a collaborative business ecosystem.

  • Nurture leaders with training and skills on how to catalyze large scale lasting change by transforming default transactional commercial responses into coordinated, connected, collaborative, effective, collective action.

  • Accelerate innovation dissemination through purposeful peer learning collaboratives where suppliers and customers are valued as expert leaders who can reduce Scope 3 emissions and waste.

  • Cultivate consumer sustainability habits with micro infrastructures and sustainability support programs that shape consumer behaviors and make saving the easy choice to meet your Category 11 targets.

  • Grow reciprocal relationships with local community organizations and leaders to deliver ESG support programs and to effectively advocate with local policymakers to ensure an environment that promotes change.

Let’s change how we change the world!

When you build greater capacity for distributed leadership across a broader business ecosystem you can:

  • Meet, exceed, and sustain your ESG goals for 2030 and beyond.

  • Create cost saving efficiencies in a circular economy today.

  • Elevate your brand reputation and grow preferred products.

  • Maintain the loyalty of your employees, customers and investors.

  • Deliver greater social, system and financial value long term.

Learn how to mobilize more stakeholders to effectively drive collective action with evidence based tools to accelerate progress on Scope 3 reductions and the circular economy today.

Are you ready to learn more about leading widespread change before scaling it across your organization? Join our 8 week Sustainability Leadership Academy: Accelerating Scope 3 Action and unleash the full potential of your ESG leadership today.

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Sustainability Leadership Academy:
Accelerating Scope 3 Action

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